Sted: Oslo
Størrelse: 300 m² inkludert garasje og drivhus
Ferdigstilt: 2017
Fotograf: Herman Dreyer
Skalaen og typologien i et typisk småhusområde respekteres i denne nye eneboligen med en tydelig og presis form. Huset består av fire mindre volumer som har hvert sitt saltak. Tre av volumene danner selve boligen, mens garasje og drivhus ligger i det fjerde volumet. Garasje og innkjøring plassers på den laveste delen av tomten. Husets retninger skaper 3 ulike uteoppholdsarealer som hver for seg har tilknytning til ulike innvendige funksjoner. På grunn av de ulike nivåforskjellene og boligens tilpasning til terrenget, er første etasje utført med grunnmur i betong, ellers er huset et ordinært bindingsverkshus eller rammeverkskonstruksjon i andre og tredje etasje. Boligen har stående trekledning på fasade og tak. Drivhuset er kledd i glass.
The project is situated in a typical single family house area in Oslo, Norway. The building adopts to the surroundings, and respects the traditional Norwegian typology, with a clear and precise shape with cable roofs.
The house consists of four smaller volumes assembled to one. Breaking the volume down in four volumes adapts the scale of the building to the surroundings, while maintaining a clear total volume. The Y-shape creates three different outdoor spaces, with various qualities, views and orientations. The gardens become an important part of the indoor spaces, giving each orientation a different character according to the sunlight in the morning, noon and evening.
The ground floor is made of concrete to adapt to the falling terrain, providing an opportunity to integrate a garage to the volume. On top of the concrete base is a glued laminated timber construction. In three of the four volumes timber is cladded with pinewood and given a spruce flooring. The fourth volume is a glass-covered extension of the house, where the construction is left exposed.
The fourth volume is a winter garden closely connected to the kitchen. Dining and communication played an important role in the design, giving the family an outdoor space they can use all year to grow herbs and vegetables. By connecting all the rooms on the first floor, the kitchen becomes the heart of the house.
Another important design decision was to give the family several opportunities to hosts guests, therefore both the studio and the office are multifunctional. All bedrooms in the house have unique qualities, especially the master bedroom. The room is facing the winter garden both with a balcony and a bathtub in the en-suite.